© Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation I Khadija Farah I Kikambala, Kenya I 2024

Upstream Marker for Health

A tool to increase the sex and sociodemographic intentionality of upstream investments during investment design

Upstream Sex and Gender Integration Marker

This Upstream Marker for Health is a learning tool for the foundation’s upstream health investments. It is intended to be used by investment owners when designing and refining an investment and to spark conversation with grantees.

The purpose of this tool is to enable investment owners and teams to more intentionally integrate relevant considerations on sex as a biological variable and other sociodemographic characteristics.

Download Upstream Marker for Health

For additional resources and learning, see below a non-exhaustive selection of materials including self-paced e-learning.


Additional Resources

Self-service learning

Canada’s Institute of Gender and Health offers free, open access and interactive training modules to integrate sex and gender across health research.