A series of case studies and other resources to support program officers in applying a gender lens to their investments. Includes case studies in the area of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WSH) Case Studies

Each of the three sanitation sector cases focuses on different parts of the value chain to illustrate the many ways that gender impacts sanitation outcomes for men and women.

Case Studies in Gender Integration: Market-based solutions

This case study interrogates the ways in which gender matters across the sanitation value chain. The case is an example of a program that aims to address gender in the sanitation marketplace to promote equal economic opportunities and increased empowerment for women in rural Cambodia.

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Case Studies in Gender Integration: Community-led Sanitation in Timor-Leste

This case study focuses on the influence of gender on community-based sanitation programs targeting user decisions and behavior change. It analyzes a program in Timor-Leste that aimed to build the capacity of community facilitators to address gender-related issues.

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Case Studies in Gender Integration: Sanitation Product and Service Delivery in Kenya

This case provides an example of a social enterprise that worked to change its sanitation product and service delivery to account for gender differences and barriers to access in Kenya.

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