The Gates Foundation’s Gender Equality Toolbox is made up of tools that can guide foundation staff in designing, managing and measuring the results and impact of gender intentional and gender transformative investments. In particular, the Methods Note is intended to help with rigorous measurement of empowerment to better inform and design investments and improve the lives of women and girls.

We have made these tools available to the broader public in the interest of open communication and open data policies, with the hope these tools will be of benefit to those who access them. We anticipate these tools will be updated from time to time to reflect new learnings and results.

This site, and the tools within it, were designed for Gates Foundation staff. As such, they may not align with the goals, processes or needs of all organizations, however, we welcome you to draw inspiration from these tools where relevant.

We’re grateful to our many internal and external partners who played a vital role in developing the contents of this website. Special thanks to our colleagues at The Equality Institute (EQI), the Gender Team of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) of the Netherlands, The Global Center for Gender Equality at Stanford University, Stephen Tierney of Alike Creative and Amy Pennington.

If you would like to find out more about the Gates Foundation Gender Equality strategy, please click here.

If you would like to learn more about the Gates Foundation global framework on Women’s Economic Empowerment, please click here.

If you have further questions or would like contact information for the Gates Foundation, click here.