© Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation I Prashant Panjiar I The government primary school at Kothwa village in Danapur, Bihar, India I 2015


The Gates Foundation’s Gender Equality Toolbox is made up of tools that can guide foundation staff and partners in designing, managing and measuring the results and impact of gender intentional and gender transformative programs and investments.


In 2014, Melinda Gates stated in Science magazine that: “We will not use the complexity of resolving gender inequality as an excuse for failing to think and act more intentionally about putting women and girls at the center of what we do.”

This call to action set in motion a series of conversations and initiatives to address gender equality in the foundation’s work. One of those initiatives is gender integration, which is the adoption of a gender lens across bodies of work and in specific investments to accelerate progress toward sectoral goals and to advance gender equality.

We created this website to share the tools and guidance we have developed internally to help program officers integrate gender considerations in their work. We hope that the contents of these pages will serve as resources to the broader development community and inspire conversations and actions to advance gender equality around the globe.


  • Gender Equality Lexicon

    A concise set of clearly defined gender concepts. This lexicon helps to ensure staff benefit from the use of a common language.

  • Conceptual Model of Women and Girls’ Empowerment

    The foundation’s model of women and girls’ empowerment that can inform program design, strategy and policy work on gender equality.

  • Methods Note on Measuring Empowerment

    Practical guidance for program officers and partners on the measurement and evaluation of women and girls’ empowerment.

  • Gender Equality Primer

    Key concepts, the motivations for and lessons learned from gender mainstreaming efforts, and our approach to transform the foundation into a gender-intentional institution.

  • Gender Equality Toolbox

  • Gender Integration Guide

    Highlights key questions for investment makers and provides hints about what to look out for during the investment design phase.

  • Gender Integration Marker

    A tool to assess the level of gender intentionality (gender unintentional, intentional, transformative) during investment design.

  • Gender Integration Marker Job Aid

    This job aid is designed to support the use of the Gender Integration Marker.